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Uso de american buffalo em inglês
Those were truly massive, miles across, like the Americanbuffalo must have once been.
If it were a herd of Americanbuffalo, she would be cautious, but she'd still go in.
According to Rutimeyer, the ancient bison (Bos priscus) of Europe was identical with the existing Americanbuffalo.
In days gone by the Americanbuffalo, or bison, roamed nearly the entire length and breadth of North America.
This, too, was Comancheria, the beautiful and unremittingly hostile place they had chosen, the southernmost and richest range of the Americanbuffalo.
Even at that remote period they had already, by long-continued selection, been developed out of wild forms akin to the Americanbuffalo.
Until 1916, the responsibility of managing and developing it as such rested with the US Army, more specifically the African AmericanBuffalo Soldiers.
In pre-Christian times they roamed all over Germany, and were, and still are, larger, fiercer, and much lighter colored than the Americanbuffalo.
AmericanBuffalo stances: see Damian Lewis and John Goodman rehearse the David Mamet classic Read more On the surface the play looks simple enough.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Once-in-a-lifetime shot at riches … from left, John Goodman, Tom Sturridge and Damian Lewis in a 2015 production of AmericanBuffalo.
The weapon now spoke up and the bullet hit the bison (for such the Americanbuffalo really is) fairly and squarely between the eyes.